Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dragon age :origins fans!!?

okay i just finished the game after i got it for christmas.

i played as both a female city elf and a male human noble.

i was the last one standing both times to defeat the Archdemon.

what were you?

i had all of my allies at the end =] well except for morigan ....farewell

did you grow attached to the characters? if so which ones?

mine were Sten, Zev and Alister

in the end i chose to stay in denerim as chancellor.

are they going to make a dragon age 2? in my opinion i would love a second game based of of the possible descendants of your char or your friends children.

one where you fight the qunari like Sten warned us perhaps even see Sten again (yes i adored Sten i totally understood him)Dragon age :origins fans!!?
A sequel will probably be made considering the game's massive popularity, but BioWare is currently working on Mass Effect 2, so don't expect it soon. They are, however, creating DLC, such as Return to Ostagar, which was delayed from January 5th but should be out soon.

Also in the works is an expansion: Awakening. Info can be found here:鈥?/a>

As for the first game, I was a male human noble, playing an idealistic and ultimately good, but terrified of dying, rogue. I had a real fondness for Sten and Zevran as well, but wound up leaving them at camp most of the time, since my character's altruism often drew disapproval. Instead, I brought around Alistair, Wynne and Leliana.

Leliana has to be my favorite of the companions. I though she started out rather bland, but the ending to her romance quest was just beautiful, especially when she said "I walked where the Maker led me and he has rewarded me for my faith. I found you."

In the end, I executed Loghain for his crimes, and convinced Alistair and Anora to marry. (One of the chief things about my character was his incredibly persuasive nature.) I made the deal with Morrigan, as my character wanted to save all the Wardens - it was too bad Riordan had to die, but what a way to go out. In the end, I left with Leliana and Zevran in tow, to the arling of Amaranthine which Alistair gave to the Grey Wardens. A pretty good ending, I suppose - although my character did vow to track down Morrigan. Zevran should be able to help with that.

I hope they have some sort of save transfer feature like in Mass Effect 2, that would be great, I'd like to continue this story in the sequel. Apparently, that's an option in the expansion, or you can play a new Warden from Orlais.

I'm currently replaying as a mage with an "ends justify the means" opinion and a heavy anti-religion bias, in contrast to my devout first character.Dragon age :origins fans!!?
Human Warrior my first game

Dwarf Warrior my second

Team in the first one was Oghren, Leliana and Wynne

Team in my second was Allistair, Leliana and Wynne

And BioWare just announced Dragon Age Awakening the first expansion due March 16 age :origins fans!!?
I HATE Yoooooooo!!! I've been saving for this game since it came out..... I am rather poor it would seem..

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