Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dragon age 2 Warrior bug?

There is a weird bug, in which my warrior (Hawke) although I have targeted an enemy and attacked him, I must always right click on him to attack him...for every hit! Why's that? He does the same when I control another character, but I resolved that with a tactic...any help?Dragon age 2 Warrior bug?
I assume you have Auto-Attack turned on, and Hawke still doesn't auto-attack?

EDIT: @Playbunny. Auto attack can be turned on in the options so you won't have to mash buttons. Sometimes my Hawke has a brain malfunction after I click on an enemy to attack, requiring me to manually position him right in front of his enemy and click again. Usually after doing this, he auto attacks like normal.Dragon age 2 Warrior bug?
I don't think that is a bug. I'm a rogue and it took me a bit to get use to the fact that you have to keep clicking to perform each individual action of the character you are controlling. The game play has changed somewhat from how it was in the first game. It's to try and give it a more action feel that will appeal to a wider audience. Theyy actually talked about the 'button bashing for combos' in an interview posted on Live.

Honestly though, I felt as though the game had been dumbed down so much to encourage the players who complained that the first game's tactic based battling was too difficult that it has left us hardcore fans of the first game feeling slightly let down.

Don't get me wrong; it was a decent game. But apart from the enhanced graphics, I really do feel that the first game was better and more challenging.

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