Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dragon Age 2, abilities and tactics.?

Could someone tell me the best skills to have assigned to each character and what tactics I should set for them? in my party at the minute I have Hawke, Beth, Varric and I just switch between the fourth randomly so could someone tell me what's the best skills and tactics to use for those 3 characters? I know it probably comes down to personal preference but I'm not sure so what worked best for yous?Dragon Age 2, abilities and tactics.?
It all depends on what class your character Hawke is. I would recommend upgrading Varric's "Bianca" skill until you can purchase skills for his "Marksman" branch. Also, for any rogue you use, try to get their cunning skill to 40 to open all locks.

*Spoiler Alert*

It doesn't really matter wha you specialise Bethany/Carver in because at the end of Act 1 they leave your group through different circumstances.


I recommend recruiting Anders, the rogue mage because he has great healing spells (as well as a revival spell). He is also my favourite character :)

Aveline is the best "Tank" in the game, so if you don't want to get knocked out alot, have her in your team.

If you have the Black Emporium DLC you can purchase a potion called "Maker's Sigh" which allows you to re-distribute skill points.Dragon Age 2, abilities and tactics.?
Lemee see. It depends what class your Hawke is. For Bethany i got her the healing ability just because its useful. Then i tried to get her all the elemental abilities (so she could freeze enemies and i could shatter). For varric i just got all the archery abilities- like the raining arrows and pinning shot (i forgot what they were called) and made sure he had a ton of stamina so he could keep using them.

My first Hawke was a warrior and i gave him all the two handed weapon abilities and the one where you take the deep breath to regain stamina. (it helps a lot in a duel at the end of act 2, don't want to spoil anything). I would choose aveline for your fourth party member as a tank.

That probably won't help you at all... I'm not the best gamer that's just what i did. Also, buy every health potion in sight. Good Luck!

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