Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dragon Age 2 characters?

Before I seriously consider buying it, I would like to know if there is a character mostly like Alistair. Or if the game does well with making a deep connection with the characters like it does in Dragon Age Origins.Dragon Age 2 characters?
No, there is nobody quite like Alistair. Varric is the only one who comes close because of his sense of humor, but he's much more mature and not a love interest. Alistair does make a cameo in DA2 depending on your decisions in Origins though.

The companions in DA2 are all great and in some ways more interesting than the ones in origins. But, you don't get as much interaction with them and the large time skips in the game make it feel shallow sometimes.Dragon Age 2 characters?
The character mostly like Alistair would probably be Merril due to they're both so innocent. However Merril isn't as cool as Alistair. The game is almost like an expansion to Dragon Age Origins. It's not as good in my opinion as it's more like a run and fight type game with much less choice for you to make. I would advise getting it though because dragon age 3 will require you to have played 2 to fully understand it.

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