Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dragon age 2 10 points best answer or any answer thanx?

will there be a romantic story in the new dragon age 2 released in march??? i loved how allistair and your character can get married and fall in love the expansion you couldnt fall in love but can you have a romantic realtionship in dragon age 2? thanxDragon age 2 10 points best answer or any answer thanx?
unfortunately no one can answer your question yet. The story takes place on another continent that isn't ferelden and it's very important though as it pertains to the situation with morrigan and her mother.

It is realistic to assume though that there will be a love interest for the main character as all the bioware games that are done in this way *except or to some degree baldurs gate*Dragon age 2 10 points best answer or any answer thanx?
Yes, there will be romances in DA2. The only romanceable character we know about so far is Isabella, she's the pirate you meet at the Pearl in DA:O and is returning for the sequel. I'm assuming they will have at least the same number of romance options as they did in the original game.Dragon age 2 10 points best answer or any answer thanx?
Don't know since I don't work for Bioware/EA.

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